BuzzBundle #1 app to promote your brand, drive traffic and increase your social presence on auto pilot

BuzzBundle – Social Media Management Tools to help protect your online reputation

Version 2 released new features better integration – less hassle read more…


Buzz Bundle Search Media Management tool for SEO Can you keep up with everything that is being talked about in your industry on FaceBook, Twitter, Blogs, Forums ?

  • How to improve your online presence
  • How to deal with negative content
  • How to use tools to effectively manage your online reputation


There is so much social media traffic that keeping up with it and more importantly engaging with it has become a full time job. If you dont fancy hiring a new body to do this – then you need to hire Buzz Bundle.


Who – When – Why – What

Do you know what is being said about your brand or industry on the vast array of social media sites ?

Think of Buzz as your own personal social media assistant – who keeps their nose to ground and their ear to the wire. Buzz then allows you to update multiple channels at once.

Google , BING and all the other search engines now include Social Media as part of their ranking data. With Google’s support of social media — book marking, reputation, commenting and author reputation as well as a number of other social factors e.g Posts, Likes Tweets, Retweets, Shares, +1 etc as a major factor in how Google will rank websites and blogs in its algorithm. Real-time search in Google means that sometimes search is only as valuable as the latest comment, share, tweet or blog post.

Read more to find out why these companies are amongst the many buzzbundle Social Media tool client listorganisations that now use BuzzBundle





buzzbundle social media management tools

Multiple identities for your brand / company, Director, Sales Rep, Techy, Creative, User. Each one has many social accounts.














social media management for marketeers by buzz bundle

Communicate with a large number of social media platforms and sites – Blogs, Forums, FaceBook, Twitter, google+1.














buzzbundle tool for social media marketeers. Buzz controls all your facebook, twitter, blog and forums posts and login settings

From one identity you can integrate multiple profiles. Increase your brand awareness at every level.













Engage Buzz

Download buzzbundle for free or upgrade to the professional version whenever you want

Let BuzzBundle find the information that will create a strong online presence to maximise your reach.